Additional Permitted Subscriptions (APS)

A change to how ISAs are treated on the death of an individual

“This is a positive change to the rules, but once the allowance is received, the complicated area for many will be working out how best to use the APS”

Introduced in 2015, this is a one-off additional ISA allowance equivalent to the value of a deceased spouse or civil partner's ISA.

This change means that a surviving spouse now has a much fairer set of rules in place - but it can be a challenge to work out the best place to put the money.

In this factsheet, Savings Champion explains how the APS works and provides some useful first steps to help you make the most of this allowance.

Related guides and factsheets

Avoid the pitfalls and navigate the ISA maze successfully

A guide to provide you and your family with a useful source of information and explain the steps you need to take at this difficult time.

This guide is designed to explain the range of allowances available to keep any IHT liability to a minimum.

Call us on 0800 011 9705 if you have any questions

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Download your factsheet

Dan Darragh,  Research & Development Manager

© Savings Champion


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